MGDC Pinewood, LLC Notice to Bidders
MGDC Pinewood, LLC will receive sealed bids for Project named Pinewood Supportive Housing at the location below:
1606 E. Colorado Avenue
Urbana, Illinois 61820
Bids will be received until 11:00 a.m. local time on the 20th day of June 2019 at the offices of MGDC Pinewood, LLC, 2008 N. Market Street, Champaign, Illinois 61820. At that time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
A pre-bid meeting shall take place on the 5th day, of June 2019 at 2:00 p.m. at the MGDC Pinewood, LLC, 2008 N. Market Street, Champaign, Illinois 61820.
Bids must be based on bid documents obtained from the website of Tyson and Billy Architects, P.C. Hard copies may be obtained upon a deposit of $50 (in the form of cash or check) per set and bidders will be limited to (3) sets. Deposits will be refunded upon return of the Bidding Documents in good condition, without markings, notations or other defacing, within (5) days after bid opening. Contractors that do not submit a bid will not be refunded their deposit. Checks should be made payable to Tyson and Billy Architects, P.C. If it is desired for bid packets to be shipped to bidder, a separate non-refundable check shall be made payable to Tyson and Billy Architects, P.C. in the amount of $25 or a valid UPS or FedEx account number shall be provided.
Bids received must be enclosed in a sealed envelope and clearly marked "Pinewood Supportive Housing".
Bid Bond executed by the bidder and acceptable sureties in an amount of not less than 5% of the base bid shall be submitted with each bid. Failure to submit an acceptable bid bond with the bid will result in the rejection of the bid.
Attention is called to the provisions for Equal Employment Opportunity and payment of not less than the minimum salaries and wages set forth in the bid documents.
All Contractors who are awarded construction related contracts must document Affirmative Action to ensure Equal Opportunity in Employment. This documentation is subject to review by the Regional Office of the Department of Labor. As a part of normal contract administration, MGDC Pinewood, LLC is responsible for determining the Contractor's compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Clause and Affirmative Action Requirements as well as the Contractor's performance in executing those requirements.
All MBE/DBE/WBE Contractors, Subcontractors and Suppliers are encouraged to participate on MGDC Pinewood, LLC projects.
MGDC Pinewood, LLC reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities.
No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of (90) calendar days subsequent to the opening of the bids without the written consent of MGDC Pinewood, LLC.
MGDC Pinewood, LLC