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FY2020 Housing Authority of Champaign County's Accomplishments

2020 Major Organizational Changes:

  1. Criminal Background Policy -in 2020 HACC utilized special flexibilities authorized by HUD under the Coronavirus Relief Act to streamline housing services to populations most in need. We modified our criminal background screening policy to only review those offenses mandated by HUD being a Lifetime sex offender, or producing methamphetamines on public housing properties.
  2. Created YouthBuild 501(C) (3).

2020 Development Accomplishments:

  1. Hosted Groundbreaking for Pinewood
  2. Hosted Ribbon Cutting for Haven.
  3. Hosted Ribbon Cutting for EnVision Center.
  4. Hosted Ribbon Cutting for Coler Homes.
  5. Completed Bristol development.
  6. Completed Financial Closing for Pinewood Place, housing for those with special needs.
  7. Completed Financial Closing for Newton Senior Housing.
  8. Completed Financial Closing for Robinson senior housing (this week sometime probably).
  9. Continue working remotely to complete financial closings for the Ladd and Main Street lofts projects.
  10. Completed construction of Haven at Market Place through enforcement of proper COVID protocols.
  11. Continuing construction at Oakfield Place Senior Housing through enforcement of proper COVID protocols.
  12. Began construction at Pinewood.
  13. Located and Purchased building for Envision center with real estate closing scheduled for November 23, 2020.
  14. Hiring: $7,000,000 in construction contracts to MBE at Haven project.
  15. Hiring: Over 13,000 labor hours for Section 3 qualified workers at Haven project.
  16. Hiring: Hiring of MBE contractors and Section 3 qualified workers for Pinewood and Oakfield Place.
  17. Hiring: MBE contractor for cleaning/disinfecting/fogging for COVID at main and branch offices.
  18. Hiring: Used interns during summer months.
  19. Transferred insurance from AHR MA to HAI.
    • Completed RFP for financial services consultant.

New Hires:

  1. Interim Deputy Director, Housing Operations
  2. Interim Deputy Director, Enrichment Operations
  3. Construction Projects Manager, YouthBuild
  4. Career Specialist, YouthBuild
  5. (2) LSS Specialist, (FSS grant)
  6. Senior Accountant
  7. Housing Counselor
  8. Housing Choice Voucher Specialist
  9. Housing Choice Voucher Eligibility Specialist
  10. Maintenance Technician
  11. (2) Property Managers
  12. Case Manager Generalist

To view the 2021 Facts Sheet, please click here.

Client Outreach & Services

  1. Hosted Virtual Briefings for the HCV Department via zoom. The virtual briefings allowed staff to go from once-a-month briefings to weekly meetings. The meetings were well attended and our team received excellent feedback. As a result of the virtual briefings, we maintained lease ups at 95%.
  2. CRIS Care Package Delivery in partnership with CRIS HACC delivered care packages complete with masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, cleaning supplies, and nonperishable food items to residents living in our senior citizen properties.
  3. HACC Cares the HACC Cares project utilized unmarked grant funding to provide immediate relief for families experiencing unique barriers to maintaining safe decent and stable housing during the pandemic.
  4. Collaboration/Managing Services: Housing Choice Voucher is managing Edgar County's voucher program which has 75 vouchers.
  5. COVID-19 Stay at Home Referral: under a partnership with COC, 50 vouchers were provided to households experiencing homelessness.
  6. Bristol Place: completion of construction of houses. As of today, about 75% of units are leased.
  7. Art Explosion/Drive-Thru Cares Package Giveaway: In coordination with HUD Strong Families Initiative, HACC sponsored an art contest around the 2020 theme of "Opening Doors and Unlocking Opportunities through People, Imagination and Housing." Participants of the art contest were entered into he national PIH Youth Art Competition. Additionally, HACC provided 50 families with care packages that included detergent, hygiene products, dish liquid, hand sanitizer, masks, and non-perishable food items.
  8. Drive-Thru Job Fair: HACC hosted 15 local employers in their first Drive-Thru Job Fair. The employers provided information on career services and resources, job descriptions and application instructions for current openings to the participants that attended the event.
  9. Dining with Dads was an event that celebrated fathers, father figures and positive male role models in the community. Over 75 of our male residents signed up and received a free hot meal for Father's Day to say thanks for their contribution towards creating future leaders.
  10. VASH Care Packages: HACC provided our VASH residents with care packages that included hygiene items, detergent, masks, hand sanitizer and non-perishable food items.
  11. Our Kids Count Days of Action Event: HACC partnered with other local organizations to provide 2020 Census questionnaire assistance to local citizens. Additionally, a book bag giveaway, music, masks, and free food were offered at the event.
  12. Census Questionnaire Assistance: Tables were set up at Steer Place and Washington Square to encourage residents to complete the Census. Team members helped clients fill out their Census Questionnaire and signed them up for multiple raffles with a chance to win great prizes such as a Keurig Coffee Maker, Air Fryer, and a Toaster Oven. Each client received a complimentary gift bag which included detergent, dish soap, hand sanitizer, and snacks. The raffles and gift bags were incentives to encourage our clients to complete their Census Questionnaire.
  13. Turkey Give-Away hosted thanksgiving meal giveaway for HACC clients.
  14. Adopt-A-Family hosted adopt a family event providing Christmas gifts to select group of HACC families.
  15. Senior Meal Deliveries hosted meal deliveries for seniors at our various properties in recognition of the holiday season. Due to COVID-19 we were not able to host our annual holiday celebration, but we wanted to ensure our residents still felt supported and cared for during this season.

A group of YouthBuild graduates gathering for a photo.

2020 Program Implementations:

  1. YouthBuild Grant $1.5 Million: Started the YouthBuild program under a hybrid program model. Enrolled 20 students, 17 of which will graduate the program in January with a HS diploma/ or an industry-recognized credential. 100% of the students will earn a industry-recognized certification in construction (NCCER pre-apprenticeship).
  2. Developed Bright Futures Internship program geared toward employing young people ages 18-24 years of age and providing valuable work experiences intended to propel disadvantaged youth into higher paying positions.
  3. Created a model for program revenue intended to support the YouthBuild program in the absence of or decrease in grant funding.
  4. FSS Grant $72,000 Started the SHIFT Program geared toward increasing overall household income and moving clients toward self-sufficiency. Currently, 17 participants enrolled.
  5. IHDA Re-Entry $487,674-Implemented the state IHDA Re-entry grant to house individuals with criminal backgrounds exiting the prison system. We currently have 1 /15 clients leased up and are awaiting more referrals from the Illinois Department of Corrections.
  6. Carle Healthy Beginnings Grant $150,000 -Utilized grant funding from Carle Hospital to complete renovations on 3/4 of homes which will be ready to lease by the end of November 2020. In addition to rehabs, we also successfully designed a program to house expecting mothers on sponsor-based vouchers.
  7. Mainstream Voucher: received ten additional vouchers under the Mainstream Voucher program.
  8. Implemented a Comprehensive housing counseling program geared toward addressing homeownership and eviction prevention.
  9. Developed and signed MOU for the foster youth initiative grant currently awaiting further information on funding for this project.
  10. Received designation for Envision Center.

Procurement & IT:

  1. Purchased hand sanitizer and dispensers for senior buildings.
  2. Purchased Covid related cleaning supplies for all offices and senior properties.
  3. Purchased face coverings for staff.
  4. Purchased sneeze guards for front desk at Administrative Office.
  5. Purchased Covid supplies to re-open offices safely.
  6. Procured internet service for Pinewood and Haven at Marketplace.
  7. Purchased office & maintenance supplies for the Haven.
  8. Purchased office & maintenance equipment for the Haven.
  9. Replaced firewall at Oakwood Trace.
  10. Purchase intercom system for Oakwood Trace office.
  11. Upgraded sound system in community room.
  12. Purchased picnic table for staff.

Finance Department:

  1. Services to tenants: continue to keep track of all account statement for our tenants as well as processing their subsidy payments with no interruptions despite having to work remotely.
  2. Services to staff: continue processing weekly payroll and employee benefits as well as keeping track of benefit eligibility and onboarding for new employees.
  3. Services to vendors: keeping up with our obligations to our vendors in a timely manner with limited access to our main office.
  4. Services to our management, other departments, and external entities: providing reporting in a timely manner to our management, other departments, and reporting entities working on a "skeleton crew".

Executive Office:

  1. Coordinated all department activities and led organization.
  2. Clean Audit report for 2019
  3. Secured contract with fee accountant BDO
  4. Received confirmation of Statutory Compliance with HUD.
  5. Submitted MTW plan by target date to ensure program implementation is on schedule for 2021.
  6. Developed COVID-19 plans, procedures, and protocols to keep staff and clients safe.
  7. Initiated procurement process for executive search firm.
  8. Completed organizational and financial assessment
  9. Initiated procurement process for new auditors
  10. Managed social media updates and website
  11. Conducted industry recognized trainings for all staff
  12. Hosted Affordable Panel Discussions aimed at keeping the community informed on housing policies throughout the
  13. Hosted ribbon cutting for the Healthy Beginnings program
  14. ADP news updates
  15. 504 Coordinator
  16. Order shovels for Pinewood, Haven, and Bristol
  17. Order plaques for Pinewood
  18. Established MMG Contract for marketing
  19. Created the Strategic & Business Plan RFP
  20. Coordinated the Tour of the EnVision Center and YouthBuild w/HUD Regional Administrator

2020 Grant Funding/Charitable Donations

United Way & Community Foundation of East Central Illinois: COVID Digital Equity Grant: $10,000
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunities (DCEO): $12,000
First Midwest Bank: $5,000
CIBM Mortgage: $5,000
Mansa Property Management: $1,000
Eviction Prevention Program (Multiple Donors): $8,000
Axis Capital Digital Equity: $1,000
Charitable Donations as of 11/2/20: $10,500
Bash Family Properties: $5,000
Total: $57,500

2020 Operational Achievements:

  1. Successfully transitioned all of our systems to be able to work from home.
  2. Training & Development for Staff: Nan McKay training and certifications for MTW Housing Specialist for housing staff.

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