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August 24th Regular board Meeting Minutes

Minutes of The Regular Meeting of The Board of Commissioners of The Housing Authority of Champaign County
Thursday, August 24th, 2023, 3:00 P.M.

  1. Call To Order and Roll Call

    Noting that a quorum of commissioners was present, Chairman Henry called the meeting to order at 3:01 P.M. 

    Commissioners Present: Chairman Henry, Commissioner McFarland, Commissioner Turnbull, Commissioner Salen

    Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Obuchowski, Commissioner Vanantwerp, Vice Chair Parks

    Staff Present: Lily L. Walton, Executive Director, Deputy Director; Miguel Manero, Finance Director; Robyn Dodd, Acting Director of Property Management; Shevone Myrick, YouthBuild Program Manager; Stephanie Burnett, MTW &Client Outreach Manager; Vince Andujo, Program Manager; Jean Wingler, Procurement, and IT Manager.

    Others Present: None

  2. Approval of Agenda
    Commissioner Henry made a motion to approve the Board of Commissioner Agenda. Commissioner Turnbull seconded. All present voted affirmatively, and the motion passed. 

  3. Public Comment on Agenda Items Only
    There were no public comments made on Agenda Items Only.

  4. Approval of Minutes
    Chairman Henry announced that the Board of Commissioners would move forward with the approval of the Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes from July 27th. Commissioner Salen made a motion to approve the minutes seconded by Commissioner Turnbull. All present voted affirmatively, and the motion passed.

  5. New Business

    Resolution 2023-6 Approval to revise HACC repayment agreement policy.

    Chairman Henry called for a motion to approve Commissioner McFarland made a motion to approve and Turnbull seconded. All present voted affirmatively, and the motion passed.

    Resolution 2023-7 Approval to Award website design, development, and hosting 50 services contract with Brooks-Jeffrey Marketing
    Chairman Henry called for a motion to approve. Commissioner Turnbull made a motion to approve, and McFarland seconded. All present voted affirmatively, and the motion passed.

  6. Executive Director Report
    1. Ms. Walton announced. The champion of the month Jessica Delap
    2. Ms. Walton announced the waitlist closing on August 11th.
    3. Ms. Walton announced that in September the Lottery results will be released.
    4. Ms. Walton gave an update on the All Staff Meeting of August
    5. Ms. Walton gave an update on resident feedback sessions for Steer Place renovation.
    6. Ms. Walton gave an update on the back-to-school event at Oakwood Trace done by the LSS Team
    7. Ms. Walton gave an update on YouthBuild graduation that commenced on August 5th.
    8. Ms. Walton announced YouthBuild Student Spotlight
    9. Ms. Walton announced upcoming events.

  7. Approval of Financial Reports
    July Cash Disbursements & Detailed Check Listing

  8. Approval of Financial Reports
    Chairman Henry called for a motion to approve Chairman Turnbull made a motion to 74 approve report chairman McFarland seconded. All present voted affirmatively, and the motion passed.

  9. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
    Lisa Dixon, resident and foster parent in Champaign County, made a comment concerning the YouthBuild program and a former student of YouthBuild.

  10. Closed Session
    There we're no items discussed in the closed session.

  11. Adjournment
    At 3:52 PM, the meeting was adjourned. 

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