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Tenant-Based Vouchers

A Tenant-Based Voucher is a component of the Federal Housing Choice Voucher Program. A voucher is provided to an eligible family or individual, which allows them to locate housing of their choice, including single-family homes, townhouses, apartments, and mobile homes.

The participant is free to choose any housing that meets the requirements of the program and where the landlord is willing to accept the voucher payment. Initially, the housing must be located in Champaign County, but after one year, participants may move anywhere in the country where there is a voucher program.

Rental units must meet minimum standards of health and safety and must pass an inspection. The housing unit must be the appropriate size for the size of the household, and the total rent charged by the owner must be within the applicable payment standard for the area in which the unit is located.

City of Champaign aerial photo

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