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Becoming a Landlord

The Housing Choice Voucher Program provides rental assistance for very low and low-income households. Rental assistance is provided on behalf of the family or individual participants to private landlords. Program participants are responsible for choosing the type of housing they feel best suits their household. They can select a single-family home, townhouse, or apartment.

Interested in becoming an HCV Landlord? Click here to submit an inquiry form!

HACC First Time Landlord Incentives!
First-Time Landlord Lease-up Incentive HACC will offer a $500 incentive to new landlords who agree to lease a unit to a voucher holder. New landlords can earn the incentive for up to five (5) units for a total of $2,500.

HCV Program: Basics, Benefits, and Ways to Participate 


  • Q: What is the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program?
    • A: The Housing Choice Voucher Program is a federal rent subsidy program that assists low-income households with monthly rental payments.

  • Q: How does HCV work?
    • A: The Housing Authority of Champaign County administers funds received from the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and distributes them, in the form of Section Housing Choice Vouchers, to eligible families and individuals. A voucher allows program participants to rent housing that meet their needs at a price they can afford.

  • Q: How does a Housing Choice Voucher work?
    • A: All eligible families are required to pay at least 30% (but no more than 40% initially) of their monthly-adjusted income toward rent and utilities, directly to the landlord. The Housing Authority of Champaign County pays the landlord the difference between the Contract Rent and the tenant's portion. A tenant must find housing within 60 days or risk losing the voucher.

  • Q: How is an eligible HCV program Participant Selected?
    • A: The Housing Authority of Champaign County reviews the eligibility of the participant(s) based on household income and family composition. The landlord is responsible for screening occupants of the rental unit. This screening process must be in accordance with federal, state, and local equal opportunity laws.

  • Q: What documents should I review/collect prior to completing the request for tenancy approval?
    • A: All clients eligible to transfer to a new unit should have a current Housing Choice Voucher in their possession. You should verify that the Voucher has NOT yet expired and that the bedroom size on the voucher corresponds to the bedroom size that the client states they are eligible for. In addition, you should have the potential tenant complete any rental application and reference information that you require. Once you have determined that the client is suitable for your unit, then complete and submit the Request for Tenancy Approval.

  • Q: How long does will it take for the Housing Authority of Champaign County to approve/disapprove the request for tenancy approval?
    • A: Typically, the Housing Authority of Champaign County will notify the tenant of the status of the RFTA within ten (10) days.

  • Q: How long will it take for the unit to be inspected after the RFTA is approved?
    • A: Typically, the Housing Authority of Champaign County will inspect the proposed unit and notify the owner/tenant of the outcome within fifteen (15) days.

  • Q: How do I know how much rent to charge my tenant - if I have not yet received official notification from the Housing Authority of Champaign County of the clients rent portion?
    • A: When a tenant receives the voucher from their Housing Counselor, they are instructed to pay their TTP (Total Tenant Payment) until they receive an official letter from the Housing Authority of their new rent portion. This amount should be notated at the bottom of the client's Housing Choice Voucher (which should be reviewed by you - prior to completing the Request for Tenancy Approval). If there is any discrepancy, the tenant's Housing Counselor can be contacted for clarification.

HACC has dedicated staff to provide assistance through the leasing process. If you have any questions, you can contact our Leasing Specialist Team at 217.378.7100.

If you are interested in becoming a HACC landlord, please fill out the information below, and one of our Leasing Specialist Team Members will be in touch as soon as possible.

Click here for HACC HCV Landlord Inquiry Form

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