Increasing Women, Minority, Disadvantaged, and Veteran Business Enterprises (W/M/D/VBE’s) Utilization Rates
In November and December of 2018, The Housing Authority of Champaign County broke ground on two developments in the City of Champaign: Bristol Place Residences and the Haven at Market Place. These two properties will provide a combined 212 units of affordable housing and will incur over $48 Million dollars in construction costs. The construction of these two developments highlights an important goal of the housing authority to expand and promote business opportunities for locally sourced W/M/D/V-owned business enterprises.
The HACC's is developing a strategic plan to increase utilization opportunities for W/M/D/VBE's we are working collaboratively with the City of Champaign, our developers, and stakeholders; all who are enthusiastically engaged and willing to embrace a realistic, implementable path to be more inclusive of W/M/D/V owned businesses. While Contracting opportunities are still ongoing an have not yet been fully awarded-The efforts of this plan have produced impressive early utilization numbers for both developments:
The Haven at Market Place
13.93% - W/M/D/VBE Contracts Awarded/Executed
3.84% - W/M/D/VBE Contracts Pending
Local: 15 Non- Local: 8
Bristol Place Residences
35.79% - W/M/D/VBE Contracts Awarded/ Executed
0% - W/M/D/VBE Contracts Pending
Local: 10 Non- Local: 7
*Data as of February 7th, 2019
Included in our strategic plan will be several self-initiated, internal goals directed at Maximizing opportunities for M/W/V/DBE's and creating a long-term stable and sustainable environment for these businesses as well. The plan will position HACC to give assistance to businesses through our various community partnerships offering guidance and innovative financial solutions that will provide the skills and resources necessary to operate a successful business. For questions or more information, please contact Lily Walton, Executive Assistant, at (217) 378-7100 ext. 5028 or email Lily.