HACC’s MBE/WBE/VBE and Section 3 Contractor Success Rate
For More Information Contact:
Ashley Short, Executive Assistant
217-378-7100 Ext. 5028
Email Ashley
Champaign, IL. October 30, 2020. On Monday, October 26, 2020, the Housing Authority of Champaign County (HACC) held a ribbon-cutting and grand opening ceremony for the Haven at Market Place. The Haven at Market Place consist of two buildings, the Haven Court and Haven Flats. The Haven Court will consist of a 98-unit, three-story apartment building serving individuals age 55 and older. Haven Flats will provide 24 one-story apartment units for individuals with special needs.
Throughout the process of constructing this development, HACC's has created a strategic plan to increase utilization opportunities for minority business enterprise, women's business enterprise, veteran-friendly business enterprise (MBE/WBE/VBE). The goal is to continue to collaborative with the City of Champaign, our developers, and stakeholders; all who are enthusiastically engaged and willing to embrace a realistic, implementable path to be more inclusive of MBE/WBE/VBE owned businesses.
On this project 40% of subcontracts totaling more than $7,000,000 were awarded to contractors of MBE and Section 3. The Haven project also generated job opportunities for individuals in multiple building trades including electricians, roofers, painters, drywallers and carpenters as well as laborers. HACC collaborated with the general contractors and subcontractors to make sure that these opportunities were available to lower income residents of Champaign County. For this project, over 13,000 labor hours were performed by Section 3 income qualified residents. It is our mission to remain dedicated to ensuring that employment opportunities generated by our expenditures for the development of affordable housing units will continue to be made available to minority and disadvantaged contractors as well as income qualified individuals.
For more information, please contact the Housing Authority of Champaign County at (217) 378-7100.
About the Housing Authority of Champaign County: The Housing Authority of Champaign County (HACC) is a municipal corporation organized pursuant to the Illinois Housing Authority Act. The jurisdiction of HACC includes all incorporated and unincorporated areas of the county of Champaign, Illinois. In 2010, HACC became one of only 39 public housing authorities in the country to be designated as a Moving to Work (MTW) Agency. Today, HACC has had extensive development and management experience and developed over $100 million dollars of new affordable housing through mixed financing methods. In addition, HACC has administered over 1,200 tenant-based vouchers, a homeownership program, and a rental assistance program for homeless veterans. HACC also administers a multitude of resident support and service programs under various HUD and non-HUD grants.
For emergency COVID-19 related updates, please visit us click here. For social media updates, please visit us on Facebook at Housing Authority of Champaign County, Housing Authority of Champaign County Enrichment Foundation, and Housing Authority of Champaign County YouthBuild. For more information, visit www.hacc.net, and for questions/concerns, please email Concerns or call 217-378-7100 ext. 5001.