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HACC Receives A Connected Communities DCEO Grant

Date Posted: 06/29/2020
Category: Public Notice

The Housing Authority of Champaign County strives to be an active member within the community and help meet the needs of the people we serve. HACC is an organization devoted to helping low-income households access quality living environments and realize their full potential. As one of only 39 Moving-to-Work designated public housing authorities in the country, HACC is also committed to providing innovative programming and wraparound services to increase self-sufficiency and opportunities among our clients.
Therefore, we are excited to announce that on Thursday, June 25, 2020, our agency was awarded a $12,000 Connected Communities DCEO grant allowing HACC to expand our services to include broadband guidance and support. We understand that in the 21st century having broadband access is essential. Especially as we continue to struggle as a community against coronavirus, and a greater portion of work and learning takes place online, it is vital that we ensure equitable digital resources in our community.
By enlisting the assistance of our partners throughout the community, we will be able to further modernize the support we offer to our clients in Champaign County and boost them toward thriving in today's world.

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